October 29, 2013


MS MR‘s very own Zach Nicita is back with yet another valiant remix under his NICITA moniker. This time, he takes on our girl Alex Winston‘s savagely good new single, “101 Vultures”, and it’s more of the same percussion-heavy brilliance we’ve come to expect from the MS MR drum machine. As her wind-chilled vocals figure-skate across NICITA’s skittering drum strikes and blossoming synths, it goes rocket power in the chorus and shreds through your emotional atmosphere. It’s two of our very favorite people in the world on one track and it only serves to make us love them more. Don’t miss Winston playing her heart out at our Vintage Crawl afterparty at Brooklyn Bowl this Saturday, as well as All Things Gold in DC later that month alongside GEMS and Wet for one of our best lineups of the year.

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